How To's

How to Use Event Pages on Movemint

How to Register and Donate

How to Create an Event

To set up an event, you need to sign up or login to your Movemint account. Go to the event creation page. Fill in all of your event details including event name, date, description, categories, donations, waivers, etc. After you create your event, we'll prompt you to add course maps to your event. If this is your first event, we'll take you to Stripe. We use Stripe to verify your identity and to pay you. Then, you'll be taken to your event admin page where you can edit your event, manage participants, send emails, and much more.

How to Set Up Payments

We use Stripe for payment processing and to pay you out. After you create your first event on Movemint, we'll automatically take you to Stripe to set up your payment information. You need to finish onboarding with Stripe before you can make your event live.

You can update your payment information at any time by going to your event admin page and then clicking on the "View Payment Details on Stripe" button.

Admin Tools & Settings

How to Enable Participant Transfers

How to upload results

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